Tuesday, July 03, 2007

Faulkner #5, Foreign Lands #22, Manhattan #26, War #3, Dead Presidents #23

To Mr. M.C. Falkner Saturday [6 April 1918]

[New Haven, Connecticut]


The Southern took us over the first division, Memphis to Bristol, then the Norfolk and Western to Lynchburg, Va, Southern again to Washington; where the Pennsylvania took us to Jersey City and then they gave us an electric engine under the Hudson tubes and into Penn Station. I am terribly home sick and hope to hear from home by Sunday—tomorrow—anyway Its remarkable how inexpensively you can live here. My meals cost me only a quarter, unless I want to “blow” myself to something. […] There is a newspaper here with a thing like an enormous stock ticker in the window, and as soon as anything happens they show it there, just headlines, of course. This morning it says a British counter-attack has regained the grounds the Germans took yesterday near Amiens. I saw ex-President Taft yesterday.
