Monday, May 21, 2007

Cinema #17, Dark Satanic Mills #1

Destruction of Standard Oil Company's plant at Bayonne, N.J., by fire on July 5th, 1900

This picture shows a street scene at Constable Hook, Bayonne, N.J. In the background rise immense volumes of dense black smoke from the burning oil, reaching high in the heavens. Outlined against this dense oil smoke is seen some of a lighter color. This is from the fire engines and from the houses of the unfortunate residents, whom we see fleeing before the destructive march of this element of fire. Some of them are bringing out what remains of their homes, and they have pressed into service all manner of vehicles, men in some cases taking the place of horses. Some have saved so little that they can readily carry out all that remains of their goods. 150 feet. $22.50.

Edison Manufacturing Co (July 5, 1900)