Monday, November 26, 2007

Lines Taken Out of Context #8

It is the celestial ennui of apartments

Wallace Stevens, from "Notes Toward a Supreme Fiction"

Saturday, November 17, 2007

Scenes from a Life #16

obituary from the New York Times (September 13, 1930)

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Scenes from a Life #15, Aviation #10, Aphorisms #6

Nous ne demandons pas à être éternels, mais à ne pas voir les actes et les choses tout à coup perdre leur sens. Le vide qui nous entoure se montre alors...

Antoine de St. Exupéry, Vol de Nuit (1931)

Pictured in his P-38, at a airfield in Corsica, shortly before his death (1944)

Saturday, November 10, 2007

In Memoriam #5, America #28

Norman Mailer


Since the First World War Americans have been leading a double life, and our history has moved on two rivers, one visible, the other underground; there has been the history of politics which is concrete, factual, practical and unbelievably dull if not for the consequences of the actions of some of these men; and there is a subterranean river of untapped, ferocious, lonely and romantic desires, that concentration of ecstasy and violence which is the dream life of the nation.

"Superman Comes to the Supermarket," Esquire, November 1960

Photograph, Carl van Vechten (1948)

Thursday, November 08, 2007

America #27

Stereoptic view of Lower Hudson Valley

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Aviation #9

A young woman dressed in a swim suit, sash, tights, Shriner's hat, and high-heeled shoes steps into an airplane, Denver, Colorado. Photograph, Harry M. Rhoads.