Wednesday, October 31, 2007

America #26, WCW #5, History #5

I said, it is an extraordinary phenomenon that Americans have lost the sense, being made up as we are, that what we are has its origin in what the nation in the past has been; that there is a source in America for everything we think or do; that morals affect the food and food the bone, and that, in fine, we have no conception at all of what is meant by moral, since we recognize no ground our own—and that this rudeness rests all upon the unstudied character of our beginnings; and that if we will not pay heed to our own affairs, we are nothing but an unconscious porkyard and oilhole for those, more able, who will fasten themselves upon us. And that we have no defense, lacking intelligent investigation of the changes worked upon the early comers here, to the New World, the books, the records, no defense save brute isolation, prohibitions, walls, ships, fortresses—and all the asininities of ignorant fear that forbids us to protect a doubtful freedom by employing it. That unless everything that is, proclaim a ground on which it stand, it has no worth; and that what has been morally, aesthetically worth while in America has rested upon peculiar and discoverable ground. But they think they get it out of the air or the rivers, or from the Grand Banks or wherever it may be, instead of by word of mouth or from records contained for us in books—and that aesthetically, morally we are deformed unless we read.

William Carlos Williams, In the American Grain (1925)

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Cinema #28, Foreign Lands #24

Hollywood Starland : Official Moviegraph of the Land of Stars, Where They Live, Where They Work and Where They Play (1937)

America #25, Architecture #20, The Automobile #12

Carpenter's Restaurant, Los Angeles, California, Wayne McAllister, architect? (photo: 1943)

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Scopitone #29, Scenes from a Life #14

Elvis Presley sings the Beatles' "Yesterday" in rehearsal (1970)

Friday, October 12, 2007

Time #9

I am convinced that the future is lost somewhere in the dumps of the non-historical past; it is in yesterday's newspapers, in the jejeune advertisements of science-fiction movies, in the false mirror of our rejected dreams. Time turns metaphors into things, and stacks them up in cold rooms, or places them in the celestial playgrounds of the suburbs.

Robert Smithson, "Of Passaic, New Jersey" (1967)

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

History #4

As flowers turn toward the sun, by dint of a secret heliotropism the past strives toward that sun which is rising in the sky of history.

Walter Benjamin, Theses on the Philosophy of History (1940)