Auden #16, Apocalypse #10
Our world will be a safer and healthier place when we can admit that every time we make an atomic bomb we corrupt the morals of a host of innocent neutrons below the age of consent.
Looke what thy memorie cannot containe, Commit to these waste blacks
Our world will be a safer and healthier place when we can admit that every time we make an atomic bomb we corrupt the morals of a host of innocent neutrons below the age of consent.
From the series: Apocalypse, Auden
Face mask of Abraham Lincoln, presumably copy of plaster life mask taken in 1860 by Leonard Wells Volk. (Photographed, Chicago, 1908)
From the series: Dead Presidents
Terrible Teddy, the Grizzly King
From the Edison films catalog:
A burlesque on Theodore Roosevelt hunting mountain lions in Colorado and taken from the New York Journal and Advertiser. The scene opens in a very picturesque wood. Teddy with his large teeth is seen running down the hill with his gun in hand, followed by his photographer and press agent. He reconnoitres around a large tree and finally discovers the mountain lion. He kneels on one knee and makes a careful shot. Immediately upon the discharge of his gun a huge black cat falls from the tree and Teddy whips out his bowie knife, leaps on the cat and stabs it several times, then poses while his photographer makes a picture and the press agent writes up the thrilling adventure. A side splitting burlesque. Length 75 feet. $11.25.
[Note: the signs held by the two men read “The Press Man” and “The Photographer"]
(February 1901)
From the series: Cinema, Dead Presidents, The Animal Kingdom
ROOSEVELT: The Peace Victor: The President’s Song
Words and Music by Irvin J. Morgan (1905)
What’s the Greatest Ruler’s Name?
It is Roosevelt, We All Claim!
And He rules the Greatest Nation ‘neath the Sun:
Japs and Russians, All Hurrah!
For our Roosevelt, “Theodore”
Our Beloved President At Washington!
We will raise “Three Cheers,” Hurrah!
For our President, “Theodore”!
For the Japs, and the Russians who flew,
To the Land of the “Red White and Blue”!
We will raise “Three Cheers,” Hurrah!
For our President, “Theodore”!
All Hurrah! For Theodore”!
And the Land of the “Red White and Blue”!
The Mikado, and The Czar,
Are surprised at what we all are;
And they daily ask the question, Can it be;
That the great United States,
Is the Ruler of Our Fates
In these Lands so far across the deep blue sea.
Who was He, who said “Good, Good”?
Who was he, found “Chopping wood”?
Who was He, brought Peace, to Russia and Japan?
Who now has the World’s Renown?
And will wear the Victors Crown?
It is “Roosevelt”
Rise, and Cheer Him, Ev’ry Man!
From the series: America, Dead Presidents, Scopitone, War
We shall find the Cube of the Rainbow.
Of that, there is no doubt.
But the Arc of a Lover's conjecture
Eludes the finding out.
(c. 1880)
From the series: D is for Dickinson, Love, Mathematics
Half the literature, highbrow and popular, produced in the West during the past four hundred years has been based on the false assumption that what is an exceptional experience is or ought to be a universal one. Under its influence so many millions of persons have persuaded themselves they were "in love" when their experience could be fully and accurately described by the more brutal four-letter words, that one is sometimes tempted to doubt if the experience is ever genuine, even when, or especially when, its seems to have happened to oneself. However, it is impossible to read some of the documents, La Vita Nuova, for example, many of Shakespeare's sonnets or the Symposium and dismiss them as fakes.